What Does CBD in Drinks Do?

What Does CBD in Drinks Do?

CBD Drinks are trendy new arrivals to the market, but what does CBD in drinks do?

CBD in drinks – pretty self-explanatory, huh? It's the latest health trend hitting the world and is definitely one of those things that we should pay closer attention to.

CBD drinks or CBD beverages are a relatively new product option popping up. But cannabis beverages are the fastest developing part of the CBD industry. The market is expected to grow considerably in the coming years, but what does CBD in drinks do? And how does it work?

CBD in drinks is a great way to get your daily dose of CBD. The human body doesn't absorb CBD as well when taken orally (it’s all about bioavailability). That’s why it's important to choose a product that has been formulated specifically for this purpose. CBD drinks are one of the easiest ways to get your CBD into your system – and they taste good!

CBD-infused drinks are an attractive alternative to CBD oil, offering both convenience and variety.

What Does CBD in Drinks Do?

Pretty much the same as CBD in general. But let’s dive a bit deeper into how CBD is combined with a liquid to retain CBD’s well-known potential benefits.

CBD, in its natural form, is a crystal. That's why you'll find CBD Isolate called CBD crystals.

This makes CBD soluble in oil, not water—so it’s easy for manufacturers to infuse the crystal into edible oils. This is why edibles, tinctures, and CBD oils are common products. Manufacturers formulate CBD drinks differently; after all, we know that oil and water don't mix. But there is a technology that can make oil into a water-soluble substance while retaining its integrity.

To make effective CBD drinks, manufacturers should use a type of nanotechnology to make CBD water-soluble. Generally speaking, this technology breaks the cannabinoid down into minuscule particles. These particles are able to bond with water on the outside while the inside is still fat-soluble. Once the molecules are mixed with water, they can disperse- giving you an effective and delicious CBD-infused beverage.

What to look for when choosing a CBD drink

When choosing a CBD drink, here are some things to keep in mind:

Know the THC Levels

CBD may be safe on its own, but if you consume it with THC involved, there are risks of intoxication. The last thing you want is to get an accidental dose of THC.

Products made from hemp are less likely to have any THC, so it is important to check where the CBD is sourced. Check out the lab reports and compare it with what the label says, just to be sure.

A Note on The Lab Reports

Third-party lab reports are an important way of verifying the amount of CBD and other compounds in your drink. This will also tell you if there is any THC present, which can cause intoxication. If the levels are low enough for consumption without a high, then you’re good to go!

Check the ingredients list for CBD

If you are going to spend money on a CBD product, make sure it contains enough of the compound. Look for transparent brands that will tell you how much CBD is in their products — transparency is key when choosing an online retailer.

Check the ingredients list for CBD content

If you are going to spend money on a CBD product, make sure it contains enough of the compound. Look for transparent brands that will tell you how much CBD is in their products — transparency is key when choosing an online retailer.

And on that note, check the amount of CBD per serving.

Is there a 'right' amount of CBD per serving? No, because it is difficult to gauge as it varies by individual. The factors that can weigh in are:

  • Frequency of use
  • Body health and weight
  • Foods that are eaten before consumption


20 mg is generally accepted at a low dose. 1500 mg is one of the highest doses. However, 1500 mg is still considered a safe amount. If you aren't sure how much to take, stick to the: "start low and go slow" recipe. Start off with a low dose and monitor how it makes you feel. Thereafter, you can begin increasing the dose in small increments until you find your ideal dose.

What are the Effects of CBD drinks?

CBD can be added to beverages to reap the benefits of its effects. CBD drinks may help you relax, and improve your mood and energy levels. They also may be able to help with symptoms like chronic pain or inflammation. CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis plants, so it won’t get you high when added to beverages.

People who use CBD say it helps them:

  • Feel less anxious
  • Reduces the perception of aches and pains
  • Helps them to focus
  • And even relax them enough so that sleep comes easier. But, as with most things, there are some side effects.


Consider speaking to your doctor to determine if CBD is right for you.

Finding Your CBD Drink

The next step? Let's take a look at CBD Drinks designed to help you get the most out of your CBD.

CENTR Sparkling Water is a fine example of a CBD drink that satisfies both your hydration and your daily CBD dosage. If you want something a little more versatile, you could enjoy the CENTR Instant Drink Powders. These powders are an excellent way to add CBD to a variety of beverages. These CBD products contain no more than 0.3% THC.

Both product’s family are made with high quality CBD and as little ingredients as possible. So you end up with a product blended with natural ingredients, designed to help you regain your CENTR. Whether you want a little pep for your morning, a post-workout boost, or an evening treat, CENTR has it. Check out the shop today, and receive 10% off your online order.